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Library and Educational Screening Options

THIS GOOD EARTH is divided into three 30 minute sections: 1/ soil and climate change, 2/  landscape and species extinction and 3/ farming, food, diets and illness.

After seeing the film a pupil wrote: “I’m 15 and it was only when I watched the movie that I realised how much the food bought is negatively affecting our society and climate. If kids my age knew about the affect it has they would find a way to make a change, similarly to the whole climate crisis.”

From Nigel Topping, Lead Climate Change Champion for COP 26 and the UN’s Race To Zero Campaign: “This Good Earth helps people understand the interconnectivity of many different problems in our lives arising from how we grow, create and eat our food.”

£30.00 (plus VAT) for a 1 year licence to stream from three computers where the film can be embedded. 

If any educationalist/librarian wishes to view the film, please contact us at this.good.earth@mail.com requesting a free code to view it, and offer a timeframe of several days when you can see the 88 minute film.