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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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Group Screening Options

The following are the ways the film can be shared.

All of these are free from additional charges
other than the price per viewer (see table below)
and whatever charges you may have for live streaming from Zoom or whom-so-ever.


cost duration


1 basic family unit £3.95 72 hours
2 between 1 above and 10 viewers 25.00 1 month 49.99 X 50% = approx. £25.00
3 up to 20 viewers £47.50 1 month 99.80 -50% = approx.=£50.00
4 up to 50 viewers £115 1 month £249.50 – 55% =approx. £115.00
5 up to 100 viewers £225 1 month £499 – 55% =approx. £224.55.00

For groups and organizations wishing to pay for others to watch the film virtually in their own time on their own computers or monitors, perhaps leading to an online conversation at the end of the viewing period, whether that is a month or a day, you can purchase a fixed number of tickets or choose to purchase more as people respond to your communications.

Post Covid this can be done actually in a hall where people gather to view the film together. There the streaming computer can be connected to a large flat screen monitor or a projector (with an appropriate sound system). In that case, a single ticket for the number of people involved will be issued to the organising group.

Of course, if an organization wishes to purchase tickets from us and sell them on at a discount, that is up to them. If they wish to sell tickets for a profit, on each ticket we issue a transfer ticket from which we take 30% of the profit on each ticket sold.

If you have other requirements or questions, please contact us here:

    Screening Event Request Form

    Number of Tickets Price per Ticket
    1 - 9 £3.95(inc vat)
    10 - 100 £3.65 + vat@20% £0.73
    101 - 400 £3.35 + vat@20% £0.67
    401+ £3.00 + vat@20% £0.60
    Your Details

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Contact Number (required)

    Company Name

    Screening Information

    Screening/Event NameThis will be seen by the audience for your event when they view the Film

    Screening/Event Type

    • A Virtual Screening Event will provide all ticket holders the opportunity to watch the film from their own computers on or between the set date/s.
    • A Live Screening Event creates tickets to view an event in a particular location on a set date and time.
    • Please select one of the options below.

    Event Start Time The Time and Date you wish to start your event.

    Event End Time The Time and Date you wish to end your event.

    Add an Introduction and/or Q&A Session We can add navigation links to your introduction or Q&A Session within the event page. All we need is the start and end times for the session/s and the web address(link or url for your Zoom/Google Meet...) for the session. With this link to your Q&A, you will be able to switch from your live session to the film and back.

    Introduction Session Details

    Q&A Session Details


    Number of Tickets Only enter an amount if you wish to fix the number of tickets for the event. Leave it blank and you will be able to return to the event page and purchase as many Tickets as you require before the Ticket Sales End Date set below.

    Ticket Sales Start Date and Time The date you wish to allow tickets for your event to be purchased from.

    Tickets Sales End Date The date you wish to stop allowing tickets for your event to be purchased.

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    To enable us to set up a screening/event for you, please fill out the form below. We will use the information to create a screening/event page specifically for you to purchase tickets from. Upon completion of the purchase you will be redirected to a dashboard, where you will be able to transfer the individual tickets you have ordered to all your attendees.


    ZOOM now offers a new higher quality way to stream videos during a Zoom event. We recommend that you enquire with us before doing so, allowing us time to designate the correct (according to Zoom) format to be used.

    Note: as this is not a fully automated process,
    please allow at least a week from order to fulfilment.